By Kathleen Crane, Interpretive Programs Manager at Killens Pond State Park
Located in Central Delaware, Killens Pond State Park consists of 1,443 acres and 8.8 miles of trails. Visitors can walk along the pond’s edge, hike through meadows, and even enjoy some guided exercise on the Life Course Trail. Check out these trails on your next trip to Killens Pond State Park!
Pondside Trail
Explore the pond’s edge and take in breathtaking views of the park’s namesake pond on the Pondside Trail. The 2.7-mile trail is narrow at times and has a variety of slopes and side paths to the pond. Biking is not permitted on this trail due to the fragile nature of the pond’s edge and the narrowness of the trail.

Bike Trail
The Bike Trail is the only trail at Killens Pond intended for bikers. This 2.3-mile trail starts at the Sports Complex and leads you around the boundary of the park on Killens Pond Road. This trail is mostly flat and without shade so be sure to bring lots of water and sunscreen!

Life Course Trail
The Life Course Trail is a 0.8-mile exercise loop created by the Friends of Killens Pond State Park. The trail includes 20 exercise stations, each with a range of difficulty to suit everyone’s fitness needs. The trail is shaded for most of the day and provides a great, mid-summer hike.

Cross Country Trail
As the name implies, the Cross Country Trail is most often used by runners to prepare for and compete in cross county races. The 3.1-mile trail is great for hiking as well. The trail passing through fields, meadows, and woods.