Delaware State Parks has implemented a cashless system for obtaining your daily parking pass. It’s a quick and easy way to begin your day exploring our parks!
Follow the steps below when arriving at any Delaware State Park.

Step One: Push the Start Button
When first pulling up to the Cashless System, you’ll see a screen with a keypad. To begin your transaction, push the “Start” button.

Step Two: Select Residency
If you’re a Delaware resident, select 1, and for out-of-state residents, select 2.

Step Three: Insert Credit Card
Insert your Visa, Mastercard, or Discover card with the black strip facing down and to the right. Make sure to remove the card when prompted.

Step Four: Print Pass
Once your credit card transaction is complete, press the green “Print” button to create your parking pass. This step must be done quickly or the transaction will be canceled.

Step Five: Place Pass in Dash
After your pass is dispensed from the Cashless System, place your pass on the driverside dash so that’s it’s in a visible location.

Step Six: Enjoy Your Stay
Upon completion of the Cashless System, Delaware State Parks allow for numerous outdoor adventures for you and your family. To learn more about our parks, visit our website.