April 21, 2022
Check the calendar – it’s Earth Month! We’re celebrating Earth Day, officially on April 22, all month long with content celebrating our precious blue planet. As people become increasingly aware of the impacts of our lives on the health of earth’s ecosystems, we want to provide a few easy-to-implement ways for you to adjust your lifestyle to better serve the earth.
Fast-fashion, one-click ordering, two-day shipping : anything we could want is at our fingertips in the modern digital age. Convenient as it is for the consumer, this increase in consumption has wreaked havoc on natural resources globally. Before making that next impulse purchase or choosing a single-use item, pause to consider if the impact to the environment is worth it or necessary.
Consumption isn’t just about goods, though – think about energy as something you consume, too. Making simple choices like turning off extra lights, taking shorter showers, or using a more sustainable mode of transportation like walking, biking or public transit have a really big impact in our world!
Did you know that it takes over 1,800 gallons of water to produce once pound of beef? Or that the average meal in the U.S. has traveled roughly 1,500 miles before it gets to your plate? This year, pledge to make more sustainable food choices in a few easy ways:
There are tons of ways for ordinary people to contribute to scientific research and stay connected to their environment! A few of our favorite citizen science projects are below:
We all have our favorite natural place, space or park (we happen to have 17 of them!) where we take refuge from – and in – the world. Honor that place and others like it by supporting conservation organizations, conservation legislation and non-profits working to create more of these valuable, one-of-a-kind environments.
Keep wild spaces clean from litter or debris, and keep them wild by limiting infrastructure, introduced species and wildlife interactions. Note: we love a good selfie, but please stop taking them with wildlife. We’d much rather work on habitat restoration than rescuing you from your own misadventure.
Every person has their own set of circumstances, abilities, needs and desires to negotiate in this conservation conversation. The best thing that you can do is to do what you can. Do you need a straw or single-use product to live your daily life to its fullest? No problem. Is there a zero-percent chance that you will ever remember to pack your lunch from local products on the daily? Us too – don’t sweat it. Is your schedule too busy to lend a hand to scientists? Don’t worry about it. Does your budget require fast-fashion or other unsustainable options? No big deal.
At the bottom of it all, the earth needs more than any one of us can give alone – but every little bit adds up. So you make the changes you can and keep cheering on others who are, too.