Here’s your weekend guide to Delaware State Parks!
March 2-4, 2018
Wag it Off
Bellevue State Park
Saturday, March 3, at 8:30 a.m.
You and your pup can enjoy an hour long group walk through the park! Dogs must be leashed and handled by an adult hiker for the entire program. 2 dog limit per person. Please bring waste bags. Meet at the Track. Free.. May be cancelled due to inclement weather. Photo by Rebecca Renner Photography.

The Women of Victor at First State Heritage Park
Saturday, March 03 at 9 a.m.
Johnson Victrola Museum
Guided tours of the Johnson Victrola Museum will highlight the female artists who recorded for the Victor Talking Machine Company accompanied by 78-rpm recordings played on authentic talking machines. Early phonographs and recordings chronicle the developments of the sound recording industry and the achievements of E.R. Johnson, founder of the Victor Talking Machine Company.

Archaeology in the Ruins of Brandywine Creek State Park: Wilson’s Tenant House
Brandywine Creek State Park
Saturday, March 3 at 1 p.m.
Hear state park archaeologists discuss the results of the most recent excavation at Brandywine Creek. Digging at what has been known as the “Wilson Tenant House,” has unearthed lots of artifacts, but now there are even more questions about how the park’s land was used historically. Enjoy this fun learning experience, and find out how you can get involved at the next excavation.
The class consists of an illustrated talk by archaeologist Rachel Marks, and will allow participants to get “hands-on” with the artifacts. For more information, please contact Rachel Marks, Rachel. or (412) 609-1294. Free

Dip-netting Discovery
Lums Pond State Park
Sunday, March 4 at 11 a.m.
Do you want to know what lives in Lums Pond? Grab a net and find out! Meet us at the nature center in Area 5. Free

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